Last Saturday we went to visit Tai Po Po in Sunnyvale. I got dressed up for the occasion but even before we left the house, I dropped a little lunch on my shirt. Oops! Good thing Tai Po Po didn't seem to notice...maybe my smile distracted her!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Truly a Vargas
Friday, March 27, 2009
Note from Mama
I can't believe Xavier's now been a part of the world for 6-months. Sometimes his presence is still surreal to me, like, Wow - he's REALLY here! and he's a real person! Part of my wonderment is perhaps due to his seemingly warp-speed development in the last couple of months -- he is so much more active and capable now.
Solids - Xav started solids at 5-months and now eats baby food 4x a day. He loves loves loves sweet potatoes and carrots, cannot get enough of the sweet orange good stuff. He does NOT like avocado or banana (flat out rejection). He's a very good eater! He opens his mouth without coaxing and even wipes his mouth himself (ha ha, only b/c we have the burp cloth close at hand and he is still in the oral stage). It's really funny, he usually looks around while he's eating (b/c he's little Mr. Alert) and if you're not fast enough with the spoon, he'll turn and stare at you - mouth still open - as if to say, what gives?! Another funny thing, Xav makes yummy sounds! Whether drinking or eating something he likes, he'll croon "Mmm, mmm, mmm." I say "croon" b/c it's the only way I can describe the way he utters the sound - not monotone, almost humming. Pretty soon I'm going to have him try feeding himself, ie. after I give him most of the food, I'll let him go to town. Yes, my OCD self is gearing up for major mess!
Sippy Cup - We are practicing the sippy cup with Xav. He understands the concept - as soon as he sees the cup, he opens his mouth and reaches for it - but he's not yet proficient with actually drinking from it. Most of the drink goes down his mouth and onto his clothes!
Rolling Over - Xav can roll over both ways although he's much better at rolling from tummy to back. He's only rolled from back to front a few times and usually with coaxing (I'll put a toy in front of him while lying on the floor with him).
Sitting Up - Still practicing but he's made improvement...record is now about 30 seconds (?) vs. about 1 second!
You seriously can see the wheels turning in Xav's head. He gets cause-and-effect now. For example, he knows that if he hits his piano keyboard, it makes noise. Or if he presses the buttons on his mobile, it will turn and play music. Xav seems to learn quickly - especially when it comes to eating! - he knew what to do with the sippy cup after one try. He also understands social interaction or that an action requires a response. For example, I play Peekaboo with Xavier in two different ways, and depending upon what I do, he responds differently! If I put a cloth over his face and say, "Where's Xavier?" He'll pull off the cloth and look at me expectantly for me to cheer. If I put the cloth over his face but say "peekaboo," he waits for me to pull the cloth away. It totally cracks me up. He will also instigate games, like he'll put the cloth over his face, pull it off, and give me a huge smile!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Tickle Time
Mama and Daddy love to tickle me to hear me laugh.
Mama finally captured it on film since I freeze if I see the camera.
Get ready for more videos on my blog...Mama's been following me like she produces the Nature Channel!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Note from Mama
Xavier is now five months old and we continue to be amazed by him. Ray and I are total saps. This is how ridiculous we are - sometimes, after Xav's fallen asleep, we'll go peek on him and whisper to each other how cute he is. Literally I will say to Ray, "I'm going to peek on him, wanna come?" Ha ha! Dork-a-palooza!
Random things about Xav:
1) He's ticklish! He will giggle if you run your finger down his spine or snuffle in his neck.
2) He's particular about where he sleeps. He seems to sleep well only in his crib. He will occasionally fall asleep on the sofa or in the carseat (but will only stay asleep if we keep moving).
3) He has a sense of personal space. Xav will smile at people but if someone gets too close, he will turn his face away. And he does not like to be cuddled if he wants to sleep because he likes to S P R E A D out!
4) Xav is like Ray in how he is generally on the quieter side but when he wants to "talk," he'll talk your ear off.
5) Xavier continues to be a slow-waker. You can tell he's sleep when he won't return your smile and his eyes look like they're at half-mast. When awake, his eyes are very bright and wide.
6) Xavier and I share what I call "potato eyes" - his eyes get very red and swollen when he cries.
7) Xav puts everything in his mouth. He seems to especially like soft and fuzzy things (I don't get this - doesn't it give him cotton mouth?), like his blanket or whatever I'm wearing (he LOVES sucking on my sweater). Strangely enough, he does not enjoy the teething ring we got him.
5-Month Milestones
I turned 5-months old on Feb. 24 and since then, I've hit some milestones that have Mama and Daddy beaming. It's kinda easy to please 'em (or at least Mama, who's putty in my hands).
"Big Boy Bath"
The bath sling is officially retired. I now sit in my tub and even have bath toys! I like kicking and splashing the water with my Flintstone feet.
My First Haircut
Oops - Daddy didn't know that we should have waited until I turned one-year old. But thanks for turning me into "Private Vargas!" -- check out my army-issue haircut!
What is that thing coming at me?!
Mom! Why are you just standing there?
Hmm - that buzzing kinda tickles!
Rice Cereal
Perhaps the most momentous milestone was starting solids. I took to it immediately - no "yucky" expressions or spitting out the food. Oh no, I was opening my mouth for more, more, more!
My first taste of something other than milk...
Hey, you got any more of that?
More Socializing!
More social highlights from January and February
Uncle Devon, Auntie Alex, and Uncle Giao
The grown-ups ate dinner at Chevy's while I slept peacefully in my stroller. My uncles and auntie were gushing about how good I was...until 10:00 pm when I turned in a monster (that's my witching hour, or when I MUST go to bed OR ELSE)! Mama warned you this would happen!
Wai Po's visit
Wai Po came to visit me at the end of January, after my 4th month birthday. I wish she could have stayed with us longer! She said that my legs had changed from "chicken legs" to "hams," ha ha! Yes - I am much chubbier now than I was at 1-month.
Xiao Huang Di
Mama calls me that sometimes but warns ms that I hold the title only in our home (it means "little emperor" in Chinese). Here I am with three generations of Cheng women.
Hanging out with Wai Po
Wai Po looks a little peaked. Could it be because I woke up five times the night before?
Kickin' it with Ate Addi
Hi, folks! Sorry it's been a while since my last update. The last two months have been filled with social events. On this occasion, we had dinner with the Isaacs at The Englander, in San Leandro (great fish and chips!). Afterwards, we went to the Isaacs' home and relaxed with milk and cookies. Well, the grown-ups had milk and cookies... Ate Addi and I commandeered the sofa!
This is Ate Addi. She's always super-nice!
One day I will look at these photos and wonder why I seem more interested in my fist.
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